Travel & Community

Track Ethnoteks adventures and see what our community is up to. This is a place we'll feature our Tribe of customers and all the awesomeness that you're up to. To be featured tag @ethnotekbags and #etktribe on social media.

Latest articles from Travel & Community

Less is More

Happy Friday, Tribe! Tribe Scribe here. As I was sitting here trying to figure out what to feature in today's post, I did some searching back into the archives of my mind and remembered a very meaningful TED talk I had watched on the notion of 'Less Stuff, More Happiness' thoughtfully delivered by Graham Hill, founder of

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We Believe We Can Fly

A lot of talk about flying around here lately. There's something about it...soaring through the air...the freedom in the action. 

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A Sneak-Peek: What's Up Our Sleeve

Something is brewing at the Ethnotek HQ! The excitement has been growing - and overflowing - over the last few weeks as we've been prepping for a beyond-rad-and-meaningful campaign on the horizon (more to come on that). And you, our Blog/Facebook/Twitter Tribe followers, are the very first to know about it. So, join us and share the news loud and proud! 

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Everyone has a story. What's yours?

Some of you may remember the inaugural Swag for Stories contest from August. The stories from our Tribe blew us away...but it was Lauren, Liz and Amanda that wowed us the most with their very authentic tales. 

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Home is where the adventure is: Minnesota

First off, you probably didn't think of Minnesota as an adventurous place (Or maybe you don't know where Minnesota is? If that's the case, Google is your friend). Boy are you wrong. Hang with me, I'll prove it. 

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Our Tribe Has a Beautiful 'Voice'

What a week it's been for us...and it's only Wednesday! So much excitement (and so much more to come in the coming weeks - stay tuned for more on that!). 
First, we launched our Facebook Raja Pack Giveaway (thanks to all of you for spreading the good word, by the way), and then Tribe member and good friend of ours, Nicholas Mrozinski (aka 'Nicholas David') performed on NBC's The Voice and crushed it! 

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Share & Win - Facebook Raja Pack Giveaway

It's time to SHARE & WIN! 

When we hit 2,000 Facebook likes we'll give away THREE FREE Raja Packs! So go ahead and spread the love, y'all. The more you get involved and share, the faster we'll get to 2,000 and you'll potentially have a Raja Pack on your back!

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The Art of Storytelling

First of all, I have to say, I wish you a happy Friday! Because it is Friday, and because it is a sunny, crisp and gorgeous Autumn day outside where this Tribe Scribe (yours truly!) is hanging, I've decided to keep the mood light with today's nugget of inspiration: let's talk a little bit about storytelling. Storytelling is an art. A gift. It is simple, yet can be incredibly powerful. I've oftentimes found myself marveling at the storytelling skills of friends and strangers alike...wishing I could tell a story as eloquent and captivating as them. Learning from them. And then one day I came across this lil' snippet of brilliance: Capucha. We can all learn a thing...or three...from Capucha. Ready to learn? 

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Product & Design

Step into the design process of our bags, get the first look at new product roll-outs, see collaborations, brand alliances and more.

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Artisan & Culture

This colorful section of the blog is to highlight the culture & handmade process of our artisans and to share other relevant articles on anthropology and hand-craft.

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Travel & Community

Track Ethnoteks adventures and see what our community is up to. This is a place we'll feature our Tribe of customers and all the awesomeness that you're up to. To be featured tag @ethnotekbags and #etktribe on social media.

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