If you haven't heard the name Tyrone Davis Jr. before, just wait...there are big things on the horizon for this fella!
We first learned about Tyrone when he joined Griffin Matthews on the trip of a lifetime to Uganda to meet the incredible people that inspired the off Broadway hit 'Invisible Thread' - you can read more about it here. But that's not what we're here to talk about!
We want to share with you his current project and his thoughts about the Raja Pack that's been with him since that incredible trip back in 2015 : )
(Pictured above: Tyrone rocking his Raja on his way to rehearsals on Broadway! Photo credit: Dusty St. Amand - http://suchdustyphotos.com/)
From Tyrone:
"I’ve recently had a dream come true: Broadway. It took ten long years, but yes, it came true. I am performing in a Broadway musical. Everyone told me that dream-making would take passion, patience, and plain ol’ grit. However, what no one told me, was the importance of a great backpack! A New York actor does not simply leave the home for an hour or so. It’s typically for the entire day, having to go from auditions to side jobs, to performances. My Ethnotek has carried scripts, props, costumes, yoga mats, instruments, dance shoes and dinner - usually all at the same time. It has accompanied me to auditions, open mics, catering and babysitting gigs, theaters around the country, and was even with me the night I made my Broadway debut..It has been especially wonderful carrying a bag that was created out of community, connection, and with the intent of making the world a little bit smaller. As a New Yorker, I’ve been especially impressed how my Ethnotek bag has managed to make New York City a little smaller (if you can believe that). Not a week goes by that a stranger doesn’t stop me on the Subway to compliment my Thread™. I then get to tell them about how it was handmade in Vietnam, which sparks further conversation, ending up in an organic connection with a complete stranger, when I might have otherwise had my face buried into my iPhone. Ethnotek working its magic in daily life! I couldn’t dream of a better backpack."