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JR Uses Art to Turn the World Inside Out

JR Uses Art to Turn the World Inside Out

TED feeds us inspiration on the daily. This talk, delivered by French street artist JR was no exception to this rule. We came across JR quite some time ago, when Ted first featured his journey and focused on his Face2Face project (the largest illegal art exhibition ever executed), and have since been enthralled with his work. I'm also enthralled with the message behind this talk. In this talk, JR explores the answer to the question, "Could art change the world?" It was once again a poignant reminder of the simple fact that any one person (or combination of individuals with a strong passion for a common interest) has the ability to make an impact on this world. Positively.
Face2Face demonstrated what was thought to be impossible to be possible. This is, without a doubt, my favorite project of JR's. For this project, portraits of Israelis and Palestinians were pasted face to face, in monumental formats on both sides of the wall and in several Palestinian and Israeli cities. When inquiring Iraelis or Palestinians asked JR about the project, JR told them about the concept and asked if they could determine which one was from Israel and which one was from Palestine - they were quite often incorrect. And that was JR's point. The point was that "these people look the same; they speak almost the same language, like twin brothers raised in different families. A religious covered woman has her twin sister on the other side. A farmer, a taxi driver, a teacher, has his twin brother in front of him. And he is endlessly fighting with him. It's obvious, but they don't see that. We must put them face to face." JR is constantly pushing the envelope and breaking down cultural barriers with his art. We really admire this.
I'll leave you with JR's words of wisdom: "Art is not supposed to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions. Art can change the way we see the world. Art can create an analogy.”
How will you make a positive impact on this world?
Tribe Scribe
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